Archi News 28.05.2024

Paolo Castelli — new scenographies en plain aire. Outdoor proposal, Acquerello 2024

Paolo Castelli interprets and celebrates the concept of expressive freedom through a unique outdoor furniture proposal, perfectly in tune with contemporary living. The invitation to inhabit open air becomes a statement of intent, while the house takes on the role of protagonist in evolutionary projects that redefine the traditional boundaries of domestic space, blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor.

The latest additions to the Acquerello collection offer an outdoor living experience in total harmony with the distinctive living style ingrained in Paolo Castelli’s DNA. These furnishing allow for the exploration of bold and thoughtful style fusions, characterized by craftsmanship, solutions and materials designed to withstand the test of time, without sacrificing elegance and a dialectical relationship.

New items outdoor 2024 from Paolo Castelli

Fenpei Modular Outdoor, дизайн Vittorio Paradiso
Fenpei Modular Outdoor, design Vittorio Paradiso
Cтул U Outdoor
U Outdoor Chair
Подвесной светильник Haibu
Haibu Hanging lamp
Столы, журнальные столики и консоли семейства Kenya Outdoor
Kenya Outdoor Tables, coffee tables, and console

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